Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Flashing vs Solid

Hmmmmmm, which beam is better?

I like a mixture of both. I'm a rear flasher, but I don't go full frontal, I must admit though I notice cyclists more if they're flashing me :)

Monday, 22 November 2010

Crazy BMW

Well today my friends, I actually nearly died. Some of you may say it serves me right for cycling on the Shepherd's Bush roundabout, but I had my fluorescent jacket on, I had my lights on and I had run no red lights, I was quite clearly in the correct lane and very visible. Maybe the man in his BMW didn't see me because he was texting. Yes that sounds accurate.

May I ask a potentially stupid question?

I'm going to anyway. If it is illegal to use a phone whilst driving, why do people think it is better to text than ring someone? Is it because the phone is more or less out of sight? Is it because it is cheaper.

Answer peeps. Don't fucking text while you're driving, you'll kill someone and then you'll never be the same again, they'll be dead and you'll be guilt ridden for the rest of your life.

Rant over.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Little action on the sun filled roads

Racerback tan lines and a dodgy knee, I did what all cyclists should hate on monday and decided to run into work instead, now my knees hurt. Silly.
The roads seem to fill up with Fair Weather Cyclists about now, its potentially the most annoying thing ever, because they behave like fish caught in a tide. No control or awareness at all.

Get off the roads!

I shouldn't say that I welcome all cyclists but I wish they were less of a danger to me, at this time of year I fear the Fair Weather Cyclist as much as I do the motorist.

Ah well the adventure continues...

Friday, 5 February 2010

2010 cycling

WOW! It has either been freezing cold or i've been on holiday. I've been rubbish. Got a new helmet for christmas and it matches my bike. What a loser I am.

Anyway will post next week, might even get my helmet cam back off Dhrubo. Catch some nice morning footage of motorists trying to kill me.