Thursday, 12 February 2009

Action Today...

So today... it would appear that the roads were full of morons. I saw many incidents of people not looking, not indicating, not paying attention.

The worst of these incidents, and i feel i should name and shame this taxi driver: license plate 15025, and number plate LG07 ATY .

So I was riding along Holland Park Avenue and there are a set of traffic lights just as you come off the Holland Park Roundabout. I was lucky as I wasn't as far along as the other guy. A taxi coming in the other direction decided without any warning, signal or forethought it would seem, to do a U-turn around said traffic lights and nearly kill the poor cyclist going in the opposite direction. I'm pretty sure the taxi driver scared the shit out of both himself and the poor cyclist, but I don't think it will stop him doing it again.

Other incidents today:

1 car pulling into my lane so quickly and without warning that I actually had to brake sharply, shout and swerve out of the way (when I asked him as I pulled up later if had seen me he hadn't, which he thought was perfectly fine)
3 incidents of being cut up by cars overtaking me with ridiculous acceleration only to pull in right in front of me
2 incidents of mopeds overtaking me in the bus lane when I am clearly indicating that I would like to pull into the lane to the right (note to moped riders, it hurt when you bash my arm as you go past.
& 1 incident of a lovely cyclist informing me that the light attatched to my bag was likely to fall off any minute.

I am looking forward to the day my helmet cam arrives, then I can have proof of these incidents.



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